Journal of Babol University of Medical Sciences- About the Journal
About Journal

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  Monthly Scientific Journal


  Owned and Published by: Babol University of Medical Sciences

  Chairman: Jalali S F. (MD)

  Editor–in–Chief: Zahed Pasha Y. (MD)

  Executive Manager: Bijani A. (MD)

  Manager& Editor: Baleghi M. (MA) 
Abdolmanafi Rokni S R. (BSc)

  Indexed in: Chemical Abstracts IMEMR, Emrmedex, ISC, Index Copernicus , Iranmedex, Magiran,  Google Scholar , SID , Elsevier ( Embase, Scopus, EMcare, Compendex, EnCompass LIT و Geobase ) , DOAJ , SafetyLitCABI 

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